The first order must pay by credit card, LentxLab will keep your credit card number in our file, If the customer do not pay before 15th of the previous month, we will charge the full amount of the previous statement
50% credit on AR Coat lens if the lens peeled off with in one year
50% credit on Doctor's change & Non adapt witzh in 90 days
All the payment should received in our office by 10th of every month
New buyers must sumit your creidit card for your first order. opti-lens will keep your credit card in our file. Incase of payment is not paid by th 10th of every month opti-lens will charge your credit card wich we have on file.
50% off If the customer return the lens with out edging with in 30 days
dr. error will be 50%off
Ordering TO INSURE TIMELY TURNAROUND ORDERS MUST BE COMPLETE (ie. PD, Materials, Seg Heights etc.) BEFORE SUBMITTING. NON-ADAPT POLICY All multi-focals, digital PALs and digital single vision lenses are covered under 90 days 100% non-adapt warranty.